--> beneke Buchhandlung - Botanik
Newsletter vom 27.04.2023

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit senden wir Ihnen Informationen über neue botanische Bücher, die soeben erschienen sind oder in Kürze erscheinen. Die Preise können wegen der Währungsschwankungen differieren. Hereby we send you information about new botanical books. Prices may vary by reason of currency fluctuations.

- 1) FLORE DES MASCAREIGNES (La Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues) Vol. 170, Orchidées (2-Volume Set) de Johan Hermans, Phil Cribb et Thierry Pailler
170/1: Plantes surtout terrestres: Vanilloideae, Orchidoideae, Epidendroideae (tribus: Tropidieae, Gastrodieae, Nervilieae, Arethuseae et Collabieae)
170/2: Plantes surtout épiphytes: Epidendroideae (tribus: Malaxideae, Cymbidieae et Vandeae)
La collection "Flore des Mascareignes", publiée à l'initiative commune de l'Institut de recherche pour le développement, du Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute (République de Maurice) et des Royal Botanic Gardens de Kew (Royaume-Uni), constitue une source unique de documentation sur la taxonomie, la répartition géographique et la fréquence des espèces végétales connues dans les îles Maurice, Rodrigues et à La Réunion. Indispensables aux décideurs et techniciens ayant en charge la conservation du patrimoine végétal des îles de l'océan Indien, les différents volumes de la collection profiteront également à tous ceux qui, amateurs ou professionnels, sont intéressés par cette exceptionnelle flore indigène.
2023, IRD Editions, 340 + 511 pp., ca. 85,00 EUR

- 2) IBLIOTHECA DIATOMOLOGICA Vol. 68, Small marine Achnanthales - Specificities and biogeography
This volume summarizes the results of a ten-year survey of small-sized marine Achnanthales (Bacillariophyceae) in Central Polynesia (South Pacific), focusing on their valve ultrastructures using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The degree of colonization of benthic marine substrates, species richness and emergence of new diatom taxa appear to vary according to the geologic past, presence of coral reefs and degree of insularity of each Central Polynesia island. Several recently published taxa from French Polynesia, such as Cocconeis santandrea and Xenococconeis opunohusiensis, are presented herein, together with some unpublished observations and new illustrations on all of the 13 described taxa. A Venn diagram permits the first comparison with assemblages studied with the same methodologies from Central Polynesia, New Caledonia and Mascarenes (Indian Ocean). Potential endemism is briefly discussed. The taxonomy used in this volume is based on valve ultrastructure as seen in the SEM, which allows an easier comparison of the small marine tropical Achnanthales taxa, which can be difficult to distinguish by light microscopy. It questions the presence of forms or 'morphs' in several species complexes. The concept of endemism in marine eukaryotes, currently still controversial, opens up other perspectives on the biogeography of these organisms. Marine benthic and small-sized diatoms are poorly studied in contrast to freshwater diatoms, which are often used to develop diatom indices for determining water quality. This volume can help researchers working on the taxonomy of the order Achnanthales, but will also aid students beginning detailed studies of marine benthic diatoms.
2023, Borntraeger, 96 S., ca. 69,00 EUR

-3) Seaweeds of the World: A Guide to Every Order by John Bothwell
A lavishly illustrated guide to the seaweed families of the world. Seaweeds are astoundingly diverse. They’re found along the shallows of beaches and have been recorded living at depths of more than 800 feet; they can be microscopic or grow into giants many meters long. They’re incredibly efficient at using the materials found in the ocean and are increasingly used in the human world, in applications from food to fuel. They’re beautiful, too, with their undulating shapes anchored to the sea floor or drifting on the surface. Seaweeds aren’t plants: they’re algae, part of a huge and largely unfamiliar group of aquatic organisms. Seaweeds of the World makes sense of their complicated world, differentiating between the three main groups - red, green, and brown - and delving into their complex reproductive systems. The result is an unprecedented, accessible, and in-depth look at a previously hidden ocean world.
2023, Princeton University Press, 240 p., ca. 31,00 EUR

- 4) A Field Guide to Tropical Plant Families by Roland Keller
This book provides an identification system permitting recognition of plant families in all seasons by means of morphological and macroanatomical features which are easily observable, such as bark, exudates, stems and leaves characters. Studies of forest vegetation may differ in their underlying objectives, but they all require taxonomic knowledge. The process of taxonomy begins with an inventory of the flora, which has been based to a large extent on reproduction-related organs, such as flowers and fruits. But, those are often difficult to observe and may not exist in the field at a given time. Unlike most such guides or keys, this book can be used anywhere in the tropics and provides, in a straightforward two or three-step process, identification to the level of families, which are now circumscribed according to molecular as well as morphological characters in the universally accepted scheme of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. Plant architecture is not a prerequisite theme for plant identification; however, we think that an introduction to this subject is not out of place in this book (architectural traits are taxonomically sound): it is now time for botanists working in the tropics to have an idea on how the whole organism keeps growing. Within the family accounts, there is information concerning important economic plants with notes on the larger genera and, particularly helpfully, discussion of families readily confused and how to separate them. Descriptions of the families rely on short diagnosis bolstered by many photographic pictures, lines drawings and extracts from the author’s field books, all showing features of plants as they are found in the forest.

Roland Keller is an independent botanist living in Switzerland. He was trained in the “Montpellier School “of botanists, where he was initiated into the fields of plant architecture and botanical illustration, aspects which have remained important throughout his career. He has worked as a Research Associate at the Institute of Systematic Botany and Geobotany of the University of Lausanne and has carried out most of his fieldwork in the tropical forests of numerous countries, as well as in alpine areas. He has also been involved with surveys of biodiversity in Switzerland. This book is a completely revised version of his previous field guide "Identification of Tropical Woody Plants in the Absence of Flowers", which was published almost 20 years ago.
2023, Springer, 494 p., 59 b/w illustrations, 850 illustrations in colour, ca. 160,50 EUR (hardcover)

- 5) Mallorcas Flora - Über 200 Pflanzenarten (mit botanischen Spaziergängen und Wanderungen) von Rolf Goetz
Pflanzen auf Mallorca: Opulente Blütenteppiche überall, es duftet nach Rosmarin, Lavendel und Zistrosen, im Unterwuchs von Johannisbrot- und Olivenhainen wetteifern Affodil und Kronenwucherblumen um einen Sonnenplatz – der mallorquinische Frühling ist ein grandioses Naturschauspiel! Später im Jahr begeistern Trichternarzissen und die meterhohen Blütenkerzen der Meerzwiebel. Der Naturführer "Mallorcas Flora" stellt die schönsten Pflanzen auf Europas beliebtester Ferieninsel vor. Kenntnisreich, übersichtlich und leicht verständlich beschreibt Mallorca-Experte Rolf Goetz in diesem Naturführer über 200 Pflanzenarten, die auf der "Sonneninsel" im Mittelmeer gedeihen. Die Pflanzenportraits sind übersichtlich nach Naturräumen geordnet. Auch exotische Ziergewächse und subtropische Gehölze fehlen nicht. Zuverlässig beschriebene botanische Spaziergänge führen zu den Pflanzen in ihren Naturräumen. GPS-Daten zu den botanischen Hotspots erleichtern die Suche. Vorgestellt werden zudem botanische Gärten und Parks auf Mallorca, wo sich die Pflanzen bewundern lassen.
2023, Rother Bergverlag, 144 S., ca. 16,90 EUR (erscheint ca. Ende April, Bestellungen werden vorgemerkt)

Für Ihre Bestellung stehen Ihnen E-mail, Fax, Tel. oder die traditionelle Post zur Verfügung. You may order by e-mail, fax, phone or normal mail. Innerhalb Deutschlands liefern wir ab 50 Euro Bestellwert versandkostenfrei. Mit Dank und freundlichen Grüßen / With our best thanks and good wishes

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