--> beneke Buchhandlung - Botanik
Newsletter vom 29.11.2021

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit senden wir Ihnen Informationen über neue botanische Bücher, die soeben erschienen sind oder in Kürze erscheinen. Die Preise können wegen der Währungsschwankungen differieren. Hereby we send you information about new botanical books. Prices may vary by reason of currency fluctuations.

1) FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA Vol. 10, Magnoliophyta: Proteaceae to Elaeagnaceae
Flora of North America represents the first and only comprehensive taxonomic guide to the extraordinary diversity of plant life in North America north of Mexico. The collaborative effort of more than 30 major U.S. and Canadian botanical institutions, this series revises and synthesizes literally thousands of floristic monographs and regional floras published over the last three centuries.

Volume 10: Magnoliophyta: Proteaceae to Elaeagnaceae includes treatments prepared by 24 authors covering 454 species in 66 genera classified in 12 families. Onagraceae, the largest family in the volume, with 277 species in 17 genera, is especially richly represented in North America. The family comprises annual and perennial herbs, with some shrubs and a few small to medium-sized trees. Other families included in the volume are Buxaceae (3 species), Combretaceae (8 species), Elaeagnaceae (9 species), Gunneraceae (1 species), Haloragaceae (17 species), Lythraceae (31 species), Melastomataceae (15 species), Myrtaceae (38 species), Polygalaceae (53 species), Proteaceae (1 species), and Surianaceae (1 species). Descriptions for all of the families, genera, species, and recognized infraspecies are provided, as are occurrence maps for all species and infraspecies. Every genus and more than 25% of the species are illustrated. Keys are included to aid in the identification of genera in families and species within the genera. Volume 10 is the twenty-second volume to be published in the planned 30-volume Flora of North America North of Mexico series.
2021, Oxford UP, 488 p., ca. 109,00 EUR

2) FLORE DU GABON Vol. 57: Boraginaceae, Buxaceae, Cactaceae, Centroplacaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Putranjivaceae
The Flore du Gabon series provides access to the information on the great botanical wealth of this central African country, reputedly harbouring the richest lowland rain forest in Africa. With 11% of all plant species being endemic to the country and some 80% of its surface being covered with a highly diverse lowland rain forest, Gabon is a botanical paradise and hotspot. Over 10% of its surface is under protection, which renders this politically stabile country a Mecca for conservationists, ecotourism and scientists. For an effective conservation management, but also a wise and sustainable use of this unique diversity, it is essential to be able to simply identify the plants that play such an important role, be it as food for gorillas, birds, etc., as medicine, nutrition or timber, or just as one of these essential elements of the ecological network. The Flore du Gabon provides this essential tool for reliable identification, its editorial team stressing the need for simple and straightforward identification keys, diagnostic descriptions and clarifying illustrations. As such, it hopes to assist researchers, foresters, conservationists and amateur botanists alike and to contribute to the survival of Gabon's unique biodiversity.
2021, Margraf, 178 p., ca. 74,90 EUR

This volume describes several highly diverse subjects: Chapter 1 explores marine biodiscovery of the North-eastern Atlantic off the coast of Ireland as a model for best practice in research. The second chapter investigates Brazilian Chemical Ecology and examples of insect-plant communication studies that are mediated by natural products demonstrate the beautiful interconnectedness of species in a biome. Our third chapter comprises the advances in the science of the sesquiterpene quinone, perezone, which in 1852 was the first natural product isolated in crystalline form in the New World. The last two chapters are from a Vietnamese group and the first of these follows the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and ethnomedical uses of the genus Xanthium, which produces interesting sulfur and nitrogen containing natural products. Finally, the genus Desmos is discussed, where an overview of its constituent natural products and their in vitro pharmacological potential is described.
2021, Springer, 261 p., 61 b/w illustrations, 72 illustrations in colour, ca. 320,99 EUR

4) List of Names of Woody Plants: International standard ENA 2021-2025; List of Names of Perennials: International standard ISU 2021-2025
The two internationally recognized Lists of names - of woody plants and of perennials - are for quickly looking up the preferred name and correct way of writing a plant's name. Since they first appeared, these lists have earned the respect of botanists and the nursery trade. This multilingual edition follows international rules for plant nomenclature. It will help satisfy the huge demand for international uniformity in the use of plant names.

The internationally renowned "List of Names of Woody Plants" and "List of Names of Perennials" contain the preferred botanical names and common synonyms and trade names of almost 45,000 woody nursery plants and 30,000 herbaceous perennials available in Europe and largely also USA. In total more than 95.000 names are registered. The prime goal is to achieve worldwide uniformity in the nomenclature of woody plants and perennials. Using the preferred botanical name is important, to simplify communication between all partners in the production chain. For this reason it is gratifying that the ENA (European Nurserystock Association) recognises both the "List of Names of Perennials" and the "List of Names of Woody Plants" as the standard European publications for the nomenclature of nursery products. The "List of Names of Perennials" has also been recognized as the official standard publication by the ISU (Internationale Stauden Union) and the PPA (Perennial Plant Association in the U.S.A.).
The challenge faced by these Lists of Names is to be accepted both by the scientific community and the nursery business. On the one hand, the Lists must comply with internationally agreed scientific conventions, but on the other hand, they must be user-friendly for commercial purposes. A new edition of the Lists of Names appears every five years. It incorporates the names of new products, small corrections and broadly accepted taxonomic changes of names.
To update the list, many new reference works have been consulted. An elaborate list of recent literature is included in the back of this List of Names.
2021, Naktuinbouw, List of Names of Woody Plants ca. 81,00 EUR / List of Names of Perennials ca. 71,00 EUR

5) Gärten für die Wüste: Richard Bödeker - ein deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt in Saudi-Arabien von Stefan Leppert
Richard Bödeker zog es sein Leben lang in die Ferne, vor allem in Saudi-Arabien hinterließ er seine Spuren. Über kulturelle Widerstände hinweg gelang es ihm und seinem Team mit viel Talent und Fachwissen, die Wüstenmetropole Riad zu begrünen. Er schüttelte saudischen Prinzen die Hand, aber auch dem sudanesischen Hausmeister, er speiste mit Mitgliedern des Königshauses, aber auch mit pakistanischen Bauarbeitern auf der Baustelle. Nach seinem Tod im Jahr 2019 benannte das saudische Königshaus einen Park nach ihm, eine Ehre, die sonst nur Königen zuteil wird. Dieses Buch zeichnet das außergewöhnliche Leben von Richard Bödeker nach und beleuchtet sein Wirken aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln.
2021, Ulmer, 288 S., 200 Farbfotos, ca. 40,00 EUR

6) Die Welt in voller Blüte - Eine botanische Entdeckungsreise zu den schönsten Blütenpflanzen der Welt von Till Hägele
Till Hägele, Leiter der Gewächshäuser des Botanischen Gartens München, entführt mit einzigartigem Wissen zu den faszinierendsten Pflanzen aus der ganzen Welt - ergänzt durch Pflanzenporträts zu ausgewählten heimischen Zimmer- und Kübelpflanzen.

Machen Sie sich selbst und anderen eine Freude mit diesem hochwertig ausgestatteten und liebevoll gestalteten Buch für alle Pflanzenliebhaber und erfahren Sie faszinierendes über die exotischen Ursprünge ihrer liebsten Zimmer- und Kübelpflanzen. Mit dem Botanikexperten Till Hägele entdecken Sie die Schönheit der Welt in ihrer ganz besonderen Blüte: Auf der Suche nach außergewöhnlichen Blühpflanzen hat der Leiter der Gewächshäuser des Botanischen Gartens München die ganze Welt bereist. Von seinen botanischen Streifzügen hat er noch so viel mehr mitgebracht als 'nur' faszinierende und spektakuläre Blütenträume. Denn jede dieser Pflanzen birgt eine ganz eigene Natur- und Kulturgeschichte und verrät so einiges über Menschen, Vegetationszonen und Ökosysteme dieser Welt. Erfahren sie mehr über Evolutionsgeschichte, Ethnobotanik und kulturelle Nutzung der Pflanzen. Brillante Abbildungen entführen Sie auf eine visuelle Reise durch den Pflanzenreichtum unserer Welt. Gleichzeitig können Sie die Welt zu sich nach Hause holen: Mit einzigartigen Tipps und Pflegehinweisen vom Experten erfahren Sie, wie Sie die porträtierten exotischen Pflanzen am besten bei sich zu Hause kultivieren. Denn wenn Sie wissen, wo die Pflanze ursprünglich herkommt, können sie deren Bedürfnisse am besten erfüllen.
2021, BLV, 288 S., 260 Fotos, ca. 48,00 EUR

Für Ihre Bestellung stehen Ihnen E-mail, Fax, Tel. oder die traditionelle Post zur Verfügung. You may order by e-mail, fax, phone or normal mail. Innerhalb Deutschlands liefern wir ab 50 Euro Bestellwert versandkostenfrei. Mit Dank und freundlichen Grüßen / With our best thanks and good wishes

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